Ever wonder how all of the cool stuff you see at Hodaka Days gets put together? This is your opportunity! Don't be shy - you can volunteer for as many events as you like! Thanks in advance for helping us make this upcoming event the best Hodaka Days yet!

The events you all enjoy take a lot of work to set up, take down and operate. Historically a very small core group of members have carried the load, but with the growth of the events, and the numbers of folks who keep adding to the mix, we need some help! That's where you come in. Scroll down below to see all the areas the Hodaka Club needs volunteers every year, and please check out the new opportunities that have come up.

We have tried to estimate some specific times and events where volunteers are needed every year, so you can pick and choose where you may want to spend a couple of hours helping out! And you don't have to be a club member to do this! Anyone can help.

New opportunities to help out for Hodaka Days include:

Assisting Erv Robison in award design/acquisition, as a “back-up” person. This
involves working with a vendor to select a design, determine type and number of
awards and order same. Can be done from anywhere, using phone and emails,
attendance at Hodaka Days is not required, but nice.

We’ve had a great relationship with our caterer (Rhonda Sartin, from Milton-
Freewater, OR) for several years, but need a successor to Bob Whitman in
coordinating with Rhonda and the local schools to arrange food offerings during the
weekend and at the banquet, reserving a site with the school for the banquet and
arranging needed chairs/tables for same. Again, this can be done from anywhere,
using phone and emails, attendance at Hodaka Days is not required, but nice.

Gregg Floren and Laurie Shelton have handled the insurance for Hodaka Days in
years past. They need a colleague to assist with researching insurance vendors and
negotiating needed coverage. This work ideally would begin in the fall and be
wrapped up by winter. Another task that can be done from anywhere using phone
and/or email contacts.

Race Track Management: Traditionally handled by Thal Anderson, is really well
organized. A “back-up” person to learn and carry on his work is needed. Most work is
done while in attendance at Hodaka Days.

Straw Bale Wrangler assisting Al Pedro: Local ranchers have been very supportive in providing straw
bales needed as safety barriers at the scrambles track, while the local FFA teacher
and her students have delivered and removed bales on Sunday afternoon. But a lead
“bale wrangler” is needed to be sure these important steps are completed in time for the big day!

Below is a list of our projected needs for volunteers every year, so if you see a spot that fits, and interests you, shoot your name, the time slot and event and your contact information (please include your cell number if possible) so our Club Secretary and volunteer coordinator Erv Robison, can start organizing things. You can email Erv here: e.robison@live.com.

Also, there will be sign up sheets posted at the registration booth in the park which will list spots that we need folks. As sometimes someone ends up cancelling, or unable to help, please check that board throughout the weekend if you have some free time or just want to be part of the action!


Look through the event needs below, and then CLICK HERE to bring up an email window to Erv! Fill in the event or events (and time if more than one) and then send it in! Erv will coordinate and follow up. Make sure you include your email and cell number.


TT Road Ride

* See Bruce Kron

Setup / 1:00 – 3:00pm

2 – volunteers to help setup course


Diamond Eye "Playday" Race Track 

  • See Thal Anderson

Fencing Setup / 10:00 – 12:00 pm

4 – volunteers to layout and setup fencing


Club Tent Supplies

  • See Gregg Floren

Unload U-haul Truck  / 9:00 – 11:00 am

3 – volunteers to unload and position supplies

Thursday – Friday – Saturday

Raffle Ticket Sales

  • See Gregg & Jan Floren

4 – volunteers needed


Bad Rock Trail Ride

  • See Nate Ewer

Set Up Bad Rock Trail Ride / 8:30 – 11:30 am

3 – volunteers with bikes to carry supplies to set up


TT Road Ride Support Team / 12:00 – 4:00 pm

  • See Bruce Kron

3 – volunteers with truck or trailer to load bikes

TT Road Ride Registration / 12:00 – 4:00 pm

2 – volunteers to set up Tent & Registration & Teardown

TT Road Ride Poker Stations / 12:00 – 4:00 pm

5 – volunteers with wheels to get to the sites and work them


Bad Rock Trail Ride

  • See Nate Ewer

Bad Rock Ride Gatekeepers / 11:00 – 4:00 pm

6 – volunteers to Open & Close Cattle Gates on Bike Route


Bad Rock Trail Ride

  • See Nate Ewer, Gregg Floren & Erv Robison

Registration Table / 8:30 – 11:00 am

3 – volunteers to sign in participants

1 – volunteer to help with Adult Waiver sign up

1 – volunteer to help with Youth Waiver sign up

Bad Rock Trail Ride

  • See Bob Whitman

Bike Inspections / 8:30 – 11:00 am

1 – volunteer to inspect bikes & spark arrestors


Set Up Observed Trials Course / 3:00 – 6:00 pm

  • See Jay Lael or Ed Chesnut

4 – volunteers to set up Trials course


Observed Trials Event

  • See Jay Lael or Ed Chesnut

Sign Up & Waivers / 7:30 – 11:00 am

2 – volunteers to help with registration

2 – volunteers to help with Traffic and Crowd Control

2- volunteers to help as Score Keepers


Bike Show  at the Park

  • See Lee Fabry

Set Up / 8:00 – 8:30 am

1 – volunteer to help with bike show area setup

Staging  & Registration of Bikes / 9:00 – 11:30 am

1 – volunteer to help participants stage bikes

1 – volunteer to help with bike registrations

Bike Show Ballot Tally / 11:30 – 2:30 pm

1 – volunteer to help collect and tally ballots


Downtown Bike Parade

  • See Gregg Floren or Bob Whitman

Barricades Setting Up & Take down & Transport to MX Track / 12:30 – 1:30 pm

3 – volunteers with 1 truck

Downtown Bike Parade Event

  • See Thal Anderson

Registration & Waivers / 11:00 – 12:15 pm

2 – volunteers to help with signing in participants


Club Tent Auctions & Sales at the Park / 10:00 – 4:00 pm

  • See Erv Robison

Set Up / 10:00 – 11:30 am

2 – volunteers to help organize and set up table displays

Sales & Auction / 11:30 – 1:00 pm

2 – volunteers to help with table auctions and sales

Sales & Auction / 1:00 – 2:00 pm

2 –volunteers to help with table auctions and sales

Sales & Auction / 3:00 – 4:00 pm

2 – volunteers to help with table auctions and sales


Hodaka Club Tent & Booth

  • See Gregg & Jan Floren

Pack Up Supplies & Organize for Loading & Take Down Tables / 4:00 – 7:00 pm

6 – volunteers to help with this process


Banquet Dinner at Elementary School

  • See Bob Whitman (Need new lead volunteer to take over for Bob)

Set Up Tables / 3:00 – 4:00 pm

2 – volunteers to help set up for the banquet dinner

Take Down Tables and Clean Up / 7:30 – 8:00 pm

3 – volunteers to help

Sunday morning

Diamond Eye "Playday" Race Track

  • See Thal Anderson (Need an assistant for Thal)

Set Up Banners & Registration Area / 8:00 – 9:00 am

4 – volunteers to help set up

Registration & Waivers signed / 8:00 – 11:00 am

2 – volunteers to help sign in participants and viewers

Access & Traffic Control / 8:00 – 1:00 pm

4 – volunteers to help at both entrances

Participant Scorers / 9:00 – 3:00 pm

2 – volunteers to help with scoring

Track Safety Flaggers / 8:30 – 3:00 pm

2 – volunteers from 8:30 – 10:30 am

2 – volunteers from 10:30 – 12:30 pm

2 – volunteers from 12:30 – 3:00 pm

Sunday afternoon

Diamond Eye "Playday" Race Track

  • See Al Pedro and Thal Anderson

Teardown MX Fencing

At Completion of Race and Before Awards are given

6 – volunteers from 3:00 – 4:00 pm

Please contact Volunteer Coordinator - Erv Robisone.robison@live.com

Upcoming events

  • No upcoming events


Email the Webmasters

©2024 Hodaka Club, LLC

Used with permission

Copyright © 2024 The Hodaka Club

 Hodaka Name and Logo are Copyright © Hodaka Parts, Inc. and used with permission 

The Hodaka Club is chartered by the American Motorcyclist Association (2006) and incorporated in the State of Oregon.

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