Hodaka Days News

The official source for information regarding Hodaka Days

For General information about the Hodaka Days Event go to the Hodaka Days Page

  • 24 May 2023 12:09 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Special Hodaka Days reservation rates at the Red Lion Hotel in Pendleton expire in less than one week - 6/1/23.

    The rooms are $121 for a single king or queen and $136 for a double queen + taxes, etc.  Reservations must be made by June 1st.

    The hotel is located at 304 SE Nye Ave, Pendleton, OR 97801 and their phone number is (541) 276-6111 .

    There is a restaurant on site, but it has been closed since the pandemic and may not be open by June. They do have a pool.

    There are a limited number of rooms and the last weekend in June is apparently a busy one in the area.  Book now and be sure to ask for the "Special Hodaka Days" rate.

  • 24 May 2023 11:36 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Visit www.hodakadays.org and click on the download link under the poster images.

  • 18 Mar 2023 10:56 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

     Once again, we have procured a limited number of rooms at the Red Lion Hotel in Pendleton for Hodaka Days attendees.

    The rooms are $121 for a single king or queen and $136 for a double queen + taxes, etc.  Reservations must be made by June 1st.

    The hotel is located at 304 SE Nye Ave, Pendleton, OR 97801 and their phone number is (541) 276-6111 .

    There is a restaurant on site, but it has been closed since the pandemic and may not be open by June. They do have a pool.

    There are a limited number of rooms and the last weekend in June is apparently a busy one in the area.  Book now and be sure to ask for the "Special Hodaka Days" rate.

    If they are booked, please send an email to info@hodakadays.org and we'll see if it's possible to arrange for additional rooms.


  • 18 Mar 2023 9:58 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Registration is now open to club members for:

    Bad Rock Reunion Trail Ride 2023 Weston, Oregon Date: 23 Jun 2023 9:00 AM PDT



    Welcome to Bad Rock 2023.

    All makes of "vintage"* - twin shock, air cooled, drum brake - bikes welcome!

    Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the first ISDT held in the US - Dalton. MA, 1973.

    This is your chance to ride through some of the back country and actual trails used during the original Bad Rock ISDT qualifiers of the 1970's.  This is where Hodaka motorcycles were designed, developed and put to the ultimate test.

    The event takes off from the intersection of Broad and High Street in the historic town of Weston, Oregon, approximately four miles east of Athena. 

    It's about a 50-mile course, designed to be an easy ride for someone who has not been riding regularly or who wants to protect their investment in some of those hard to find Hodaka parts.  The club will provide a trailer at several points along the route to transport bikes with mechanical problems or bikes of riders who, for whatever reason, just don't wish to finish the course.

    The course does include several sections where the route uses county roads.   Special arrangements have been made with the local authorities to allow trail bikes to use these sections during the event.   Other than county roads, all the off road sections are on private property and will not require an ORV permit.  However, all bikes must be equipped with a working silencer and spark arrestor.

    This event is an AMA sanctioned recreational event.  You do not need to be an AMA member to participate.  However, without the help of the AMA, we could not afford to put on events like this and we encourage you to consider joining.  Their web site is www.americanmotorcyclist.com.

    You need to pre-register.  This ride is limited to 150 entries and will be open to all makes of vintage (twin shock, drum brake, air cooled) bikes. Sorry, due to insurance restrictions, no passengers allowed.

    Fee is $25 for Hodaka Club members and $30 for non-members and must be paid via PayPal at time of registration or we must receive payment within two weeks of signup if you request an invoice.

    *Kids may ride "modern" bikes providing they are 14 years or younger, riding bikes 100cc or smaller, and accompanied by an adult on a qualifying vintage bike.  The ride coordinator may make additional exceptions to the "vintage" rule for ISDT/ISDE veterans and legends.

    More information and online registration: Bad Rock Reunion Trail Ride 2023

  • 09 Mar 2023 2:16 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    General discussion:  Status for 2023

    • 1.    Budget – Better shape that 2022, but lower than pre-pandemic years
      YE 2021 = 16,300 & YE 2022 = 18,055
    • 2.    Outstanding: Taxes $1,100—(including prep fee) & $100 Charter renewal
    • 3.    Everything is going up.
    • ·                     Insurance +17%
    • ·                     Web site +15%
    • ·                     Hotel Rooms +100% (Jackalope Jamboree scheduled in Pendleton same weekend)
    • ·                     Printing +25% (Maybe do more in B & W?)

     New sponsors:

    • 1.    All Balls Racing
    • 2.    Viking Bags


    Gem Status (Rob McIntyre)

    • 1.    Theater should be available by June, but probably “Bring your own chair”


    Contingent of Penton Owners Group may join us (no confirmation)



    • 1.    In 2022 we did do better getting volunteers than previous years
    • 2.    Used targeted emails for specific jobs and defined numbers
    • 3.    Need to confirm volunteers and time they need to be there.  Had a lot of volunteers not show up at designated events. Maybe do a special event schedule for volunteers?



    • 1.    Going with a common theme for posters, tees, & trophies.  Probably going to feature a Dirt Squirt.
    • 2.    Shared artwork saves time, effort and money
    • 3.    Stu Gillard will coordinate again this year



    • 1.    Common theme
    • 2.    Sold all 2022 tees and prior years last year.  We currently have only four tees in stock from last year that were part of a special re-order.  Stu Osborn felt we could sell a lot more tees online before AND after Hodaka Days”. Gregg Floren suggested we could do a ‘one time’ offering from the Hodaka Club website store.


    Any major rescheduling?

    • 1.    Move TT ½ to one hour later
    • 2.    Possibly start trials ½ hour sooner
    • 3.    Encourage pre-registration by charging extra to register at some events.
      NOTE:  Pre‑registration requires volunteers and doesn’t negate the need from event site registration.
    • 4.    Welcome BBQ in the park Thursday night.  Tom Barnett to donate tri-tip, beans, salad.


    Food (Bob Whitman)

    • 1.    Need better signage?  Some people didn’t realize we had food in the park last year.


    TT (Bruce Kron)

    • 1.    Jerry Carter has interesting new route possibility through wine country and Umapine area.  Thorn hollow bridge is still out, which makes the Umatilla river route impractical.
    • 2.    Need to make sure “sag wagon” shows up and checkpoint attendees know schedule.
    • 3.    Stu Osborn volunteered to man one of the checkpoints


    Swap meet (Stu Osborn)

    • 1.    Keep campers and vendors separated
    • 2.    Need map posted?
    • 3.    Advertise swap meet on Facebook?
    • 4.    Stu Osborne will attend starting Wednesday and be available in the park to answer questions and watch for vehicles driving on the grass


    Trail Ride (Nate Ewer)

    • 1.    Landowners’ status?
    • 2.    May add some new sections
    • 3.    Will have a check in at the end of the ride.  Participants receive patches at the end.
    • 4.    Special anniversary additions – investigating possibility of adding “special test section” for ISDT veterans and vintage mounted “manufactures” teams.  Gregg Floren will check with AMA for sanctioning and insurance requirements.



    • 1.    Well attended last couple of years
    • 2.    Propose multiple (people’s choice) and let members decide by online vote?


    Ice Cream (Dyann Swanson)

    • 1.    Friday night at the Gem in conjunction with movie showing.  Probably show the John Penton Story.


    Pancake Breakfast

    • 1.    Need to verify
    • 2.    Major fundraiser for local American Legion chapter


    Trials – (Jay Lael)

    • 1.    Great last year – good feedback
    • 2.    Short observers – need specific campaign to pre sign observers


    Auction (Erv Robison / Bob Whitman)

    • 2.    Check taking credit cards?
    • 3.    May do more reverse auctions at dinner to speed up event



    • 1.    Usual issue with finding volunteers.  Will try to find a volunteer parade coordinator and crew of two or three volunteers to assist with parade announcements, “send off” and barricades.
    • 2.    Foreigners in the parade – Need to watch for other brand bikes sneaking into the parade
    • 3.    Gregg to order more Chuck Swanson memorial “overalls” stickers.
    • 4.    Pre “register” (sign waivers) for parade to speed up send off.  Also combine with Bike show registration.


    Bike show (Lee Fabry / Dale Dvorak)

    • 1.    Display banners around bike show
    • 2.    Should have more time this year – fewer Saturday activities
    • 3.    Change “Pre-registration” to “Registration”  - cut down on rush to register all at once.
    • 4.    Limited voting to one hour to allow time to count ballots


    Banquet (Bob Whitman)

    • 1.    Hopefully back inside?
    • 2.    Prices going up
    • 3.    Same caterer
    • 4.    Checking options for two “protein” (meat) choices


    MX (Thal Anderson)

    • 1.    Full face helmets and goggles required.  Will be check on the starting line.
    • 2.    Straw bales are available
    • 3.    Water truck is available
    • 4.    Need easyup(s) again
    • 5.    Have OK from Dennis at Diamond Eye to hold races again this year



    • 1.    Need to coordinate delivery of porta potties and garbage cans – Jerry Carter and Gregg Floren can probably handle this again.  Tom Barnett volunteered to help also.
    • 2.    Have detailed list of locations from Al Pedro who did these in previous years
    • 3.    Could use a couple of volunteers to swap full for empty/less full trash cans
    • 4.    Move all porta potties to the front of the park



    • 1.    Have rented a stage and have rented tents before
    • 2.    Should we investigate a custom large “easyup” for the club?  Gregg to investigate and make recommendations to the board.  Bob may have some “leads”.  Also, possible that Tommy Croft may have some connections.


    Park Cleanup

    • 1.    Junk left in park
    • 2.    Need someone to monitor “cleanup and checkout”?
  • 20 Nov 2022 11:33 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Although the official planning meeting has been postponed until after the first of the year, the decision has been made to go ahead and hold Hodaka Days on the regularly scheduled dates of the last full weekend in June again next year.

    For 2023 that would be June 22 - 25 in Athena and Weston Oregon.

    Plans are in the early stages and all activities are, of course, dependent on approval of the involved public entities and land owners.

    Watch this blog for further updates.

    See you in June.

  • 12 Jul 2022 3:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Found at Hodaka Days:

    • Fly Racing kidney belt (claimed)
    • Pair of black sunglasses
    • Black zipper front sweatshirt
    • One other fairly valuable item.  If you'd like to take a "shot" at describing it and you give us a high "caliber" description, we'll see what we can do to get it back to you.

    Missing at Hodaka Days:

    • Blue and black Malcolm Smith Racing (MSR) enduro jacket

    If you think you can help any of these items find their way home, please send an email to info@hodakadays.org.

  • 21 Jun 2022 10:06 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We recently found out that, on the Bad Rock trail ride, we have an additional gate that needs to be opened and closed as riders pass through.

    And so... we are looking for one more volunteer on Friday to manage this gate.  Ideally you would have a bike to ride out to the gate - less than 10 miles from Weston, but you can reach the gate in any car with reasonable ground clearance.

    If you can help, please send an email to volunteer@hodakadays.org or text 971-2460-0687.

  • 12 Jun 2022 3:11 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Just heard that, due to COVID related health concerns and staffing shortages, the restaurant and lounge at the Red Lion Hotel in Pendleton (Hodaka Days recommended lodging), will not be open for the Hodaka Days weekend.

    If you are planning on staying at the hotel, you may want to do some research and investigate other dining options in the local area.

    Among other options, there is a Shari's restaurant within easy walking distance from the hotel.

    There will be sandwiches, salads, chips, and drinks available from Calvert’s Sugar Shack in the park Saturday and Sunday for lunch.  There will also be a pancake breakfast in Athena at the American Legion Hall Saturday morning starting at 6:30 AM and, of course, the Hodaka Days dinner Saturday night at 6:30 PM.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

Copyright © 2024 The Hodaka Club

 Hodaka Name and Logo are Copyright © Hodaka Parts, Inc. and used with permission 

The Hodaka Club is chartered by the American Motorcyclist Association (2006) and incorporated in the State of Oregon.

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